Saturday, 23 February 2013

New Experiences-Ice Hockey

Last weekend V, H & I went to watch the ice hockey. It was part of the university varsity against Sheffield Hallam, and for three quid, was well worth the money!

We soon realised not one of us knew ANYTHING about Ice Hockey, but we started to pick it up as it went along (apart from illegal equipment, I still have NO clue what that means).
I also found that the zoom function on my camera is infinitely better than my last one (as in it actually zooms)

 Who'd be a keeper? Your job is to stop a speeding puck with anything you can, you spend most the game on your own and if a goal goes in then you're to blame.

Apparently, Sheffield University have NEVER EVER won, so the fact they took it to penalties was rather quite good (and a moral win)

Hallam eventually won though :(
Have you ever gone to an ice hockey game? Enjoy it?

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Rich Makes:A three course dinner- ie:how not to cook

For Valentines Day my girlfriend and I decided- No more silly little gifts that we'll never use. 
So instead we agreed that alternate years each of us will cook a three course dinner for us both.
This year was my year, and I decided to go with
Trio of dips with pitta bread
Steak with grilled tomato, baby potato and a rocket salad

Chocolate Fondue

Pretty fancy, eh?

Doing this I learnt a few things
1)Read the recipe carefully when making hoummus. It asked for 450g of pre-cooked chickpeas, so cooking 500g of dried chickpeas will cause you to have TOO MANY CHICKPEAS
This many chickpeas is never needed. Ever.

2)Don't use your hand as a spatula when cooking a steak, use a spatula as a spatula, this will stop you burning your hand
3)Don't explain to your girlfriend (who is a bit squeamish with  meat) how you can tell how cooked steak is by comparing it to the way your hand feels when you clench different fingers. It will make her feel a bit ill, which is not wanted when you're cooking a big meal
4)You can't handle your wine- This may be due to the fact you've only just discovered a liking for it, but half a bottle currently gets you rather tipsy
5)You are able to have self-control, and not blow out candles, but thats less fun
6)Just because this person
classed marshmellows as a fruit, its not technically one of your five a day

7)Go to butchers to get meat instead of a supermarket, they'll tell you how to cook it, will trim off some of the fatty bits, and, if you get chatting to them, may knock the price down for you
8)You're a better cook than you thought you were!

 (Ok, I know I cheated with the other two dips, but I was running out of time!)

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

The University job

This semester I have a scary amount of modules, especially compared to my last two
So, in the last term of the last year of my whole education (unless I do a masters), I'm going to get organised.
And I'm going to do this in a few ways:

-Actually use my diary: Instead of just having it in the bottom of my bag, I will actually put lecture times and locations in it, so I know where I'm going

-Treat university like a job: Do work 9-5, Monday-Friday. This way I might actually get my reading done and keep on top of my work as I get it 

-Read as I go along: Similar to the last point, I need to try and get the reading my lecturers give me done, so when I come to revise, I'm not starting it all and sitting under my desk, rocking back and forth at the  twelve gazillion papers I have to read

Do any of you have advice on other ways to get organised? Anything that works for you?