Monday, 28 January 2013

So many books, so little time

I love reading. I've always loved reading. I remember staying up way past my bedtime reading, I remember sneaking a read ahead of what my mum was reading to me in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and having to feign surprise at Tom Riddle being Voldemort   He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I remember getting left by my (irresponsible) parents in a book shop for 4 hours, and not even noticing. 

But then life gave me more distractions:
-A University degree

And I found the amount I read getting less and less, and books taking me longer to get through.
But as an unofficial new years goal, I want to read more, and more often.
So far I've read three books, and am on my fourth. Its not as many as I used to get through, but hey, I had exams and reports to do, so cut me some slack, fictional blog-readers!

So far on the Richard Book List-
1)A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainia-Marina Lewycka A million times better than it sounds!
2)The Earth Moved- Amy Stewart It may be about worms, but as my friends would confirm, I loved it
3)Will Grayson Will Grayson- John Green I loved this book almost as much as I love John Green. It was finished in a day, and I highly recommend it!

How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book- Jane Austin

Sunday, 27 January 2013


So recently I heard about this thing, LifeScouts. Its like scouts, but for grown ups. Instead of getting badges for doing stuff like being able to climb or make knots or start fires (fyi, I had over 35 badges fo'shizzle (fyi fyi I can't pull off fo'shizzle)).
Here it is:

Seeing as I loved scouts so much I stayed on an extra year, I decided to see which Lifescout badges I already own, and blog about any that there is actually anything to say about.

Fishing- I have a fishing rod, but am ever so lousy at fishing its unreal. 
-I went seafishing and mainly caught other peoples lines that were on the other side of the boat.
-I went fishing with friends and managed to catch
1)A tree
2)A branch
3)A very small fish
before we were chased off by angry ducks

I'm REALLY bad at fishing

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Well the temperature inside is frightful, but the snow is so delightful

In what's appearing to be an annual tradition in the house, the boiler decided to break again today, and the house soon got down to a toasty 10°C. Fun!
Because we're sensible, mature, grown ups,we build dens. Vics was a lot more aesthetically pleasing than mine:

It worked quite well, got it up to 18°C, so I think I won (until it collapsed).

We were hoping to go sledging today, but decided not to, as going back to a house that is colder than outside was not too appealing.

However, we did go sledging yesterday, and it was awesome:

(The first and last pic by me, the others by FranklyVic)

But then we realised that sledging without getting hurt was no fun, so we decided to  be idiots.

(Again, all but the last pic are from FranklyVic)

until the sledge (and me) had a horrific collision with a hidden brick, cutting short the afternoon
Photo by  FranklyVic
Photo by  FranklyVic

I love the snow.

At which point, we went home, getting a new sledge on  the way to use next time

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Its exam time at the moment, meaning that my life is too full of boring stuff like revision & essay writing. This means not as much time doing fun stuff that I can write about/photograph, and thus a lot less blogging.

As V would confirm, I'm awful at sticking with something. Be it blogs, going for runs, getting a new hobby, at some point a little voice inside my head says "Just give up, no-one cares, you're awful at this, stop wasting your time trying to be something you're not". So there's a good chance that I'll give up on this blog milarky. I don't want to, but it may happen. 

So this is a test for myself.

Nothing compared to that stint Jesus did in the desert 
(btw, I once played Jesus in an adaptation of this, stole the show)

 But a test all the same

See you on the other side (hopefully)
