Monday 28 January 2013

So many books, so little time

I love reading. I've always loved reading. I remember staying up way past my bedtime reading, I remember sneaking a read ahead of what my mum was reading to me in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and having to feign surprise at Tom Riddle being Voldemort   He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I remember getting left by my (irresponsible) parents in a book shop for 4 hours, and not even noticing. 

But then life gave me more distractions:
-A University degree

And I found the amount I read getting less and less, and books taking me longer to get through.
But as an unofficial new years goal, I want to read more, and more often.
So far I've read three books, and am on my fourth. Its not as many as I used to get through, but hey, I had exams and reports to do, so cut me some slack, fictional blog-readers!

So far on the Richard Book List-
1)A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainia-Marina Lewycka A million times better than it sounds!
2)The Earth Moved- Amy Stewart It may be about worms, but as my friends would confirm, I loved it
3)Will Grayson Will Grayson- John Green I loved this book almost as much as I love John Green. It was finished in a day, and I highly recommend it!

How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book- Jane Austin

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