Sunday 27 January 2013


So recently I heard about this thing, LifeScouts. Its like scouts, but for grown ups. Instead of getting badges for doing stuff like being able to climb or make knots or start fires (fyi, I had over 35 badges fo'shizzle (fyi fyi I can't pull off fo'shizzle)).
Here it is:

Seeing as I loved scouts so much I stayed on an extra year, I decided to see which Lifescout badges I already own, and blog about any that there is actually anything to say about.

Fishing- I have a fishing rod, but am ever so lousy at fishing its unreal. 
-I went seafishing and mainly caught other peoples lines that were on the other side of the boat.
-I went fishing with friends and managed to catch
1)A tree
2)A branch
3)A very small fish
before we were chased off by angry ducks

I'm REALLY bad at fishing

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