Tuesday 8 January 2013


Its exam time at the moment, meaning that my life is too full of boring stuff like revision & essay writing. This means not as much time doing fun stuff that I can write about/photograph, and thus a lot less blogging.

As V would confirm, I'm awful at sticking with something. Be it blogs, going for runs, getting a new hobby, at some point a little voice inside my head says "Just give up, no-one cares, you're awful at this, stop wasting your time trying to be something you're not". So there's a good chance that I'll give up on this blog milarky. I don't want to, but it may happen. 

So this is a test for myself.

Nothing compared to that stint Jesus did in the desert 
(btw, I once played Jesus in an adaptation of this, stole the show)

 But a test all the same

See you on the other side (hopefully)


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