Tuesday 13 November 2012

20 while I'm 21

This post is definitely not a copy of my housemate Vics post a while back. I've decided to make a list of 20 things I'm going to do while I'm 21. Some will (hopefully) be straight-forward, others will challenge me, some will be quite hard. I'll blog whenever I complete one (if I remember)
1)Finish 3rd year Environmental Science- This really should be completed.
2)Go camping in Iceland-Again, this should be done. Seeing as I've paid for it....
3)Take over 1000 photos with my new camera
4)Bike across the Peak District-I'm determined to bike home from uni at some point. If not, theres a planned bike from sheffield-manchester, so either way.
5)Cook a three course meal-I can't make puddings, this could be tough....
6)Pass my driving test-third time better be a charm
7)Learn 5 cocktail recipes to perfection
Photo from this guy
8)Start up jogging again. I keep making excuses for not doing it, but my fancy-ass trainers are pissed at me.
9)Get a Guinness world record- This might be cheating. I'm taking part in the Reddit Secret Santa, which broke a world record last year. If it does it again this year, mission complete. If not, I'm gonna have to learn to break pumpkins on my forehead.
10)Meet another Richard Jones- There are a lot of us, so this will most likely be by coincidence, but it would be cool and all.
11)Start a campfire with northing but my flint

12) Find somewhere new in my own city- Its a big city, but I seem to stay in the same regions, so I need to find a new area.
13)Watch a sport live that I've never seen seen before-I kinda wanna go an ice-hockey match, or cricket, or  something
14)Go 24 hours without technology (as in my laptop, phone, camera etc)
15)GO TO THE SEASIDE- I frickin love the seaside
16)Keep up with blogging for more than a month
17)Watch every one of the top 10 films on IMDB- Probably not at the same time as I do 14
18)Lose a stone-If I actually do numbers 4 and 8 this could be do-able,
19)Learn a fact a day, every day. Its amazing what I know that I don't know I know.
20)Successfully bake a cake. I might as well finish this list with something that is impossible.

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