Wednesday 19 December 2012

The Holly and the Ivy, the Baubles and the Tree.

Our house seems to become a forest every Christmas, probably due to my mum being a pagan, and it being Yule or something, I don't really listen.

We have our spots to get holly, ivy, pine cones and fir twigs. It wasn't the best year for holly berries, so it took a while of searching the country roads for holly bushes. We got a few funny looks, and I got my foot run over by my mums car :(

But eventually, we got the following haul

Although we did cheat, and get the mistletoe from the market, it was too high up to reach :(

With the decorations down from the attic, and the tree brought in from the back garden, , it was time to  put the decorations up

And in the darkness:

With the Christmas plants in, and some apples, oranges and chillies bought, the rest of the house was soon just as chrismassy

Although, I always insist on some 'less grown up' decorations 


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