Thursday 6 December 2012

Wheat, Meat and no more Stinky Feet

Its getting to the business end of the university term, so my life has mainly consisted of turning these little guys:
into something I can write 4,500 words about.
Its hard, oh so very hard to do.

Because we're leaving for Christmas soon, its time to use up the freezer stuff. Luckily quite a lot of the stuff we have in our freezer are sausages and burgers my GF's mum gave us. So most meals have contained sausages/burgers:sausage pasta, sausage cassarole, sausage and leek hash (not as good as I hoped) and pork burgers with caramelized apple and onion (slow fried for half an hour with sugar and apple juice- frickin amazing).

I also got my first Christmas presents of the year :D
H is going home early, so she gave our presents early, I got:
Some ski gloves (which just 'happened' to have Everton written on them)- Will come in useful in Iceland!
And some foot spray, because its a well known fact to my friends that my feet are the second worst smell in the world, after forgotten things in the fridge.
I highly recommend it, pretty sure one of the ingredients must be magic powder

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