Sunday, 31 March 2013

A Q&A about books

I really love reading, and after seeing this by Little Miss Busy, I decided to do one for myself.
I've mentioned it before, but I'm trying to read a bit more, so there's not a better time to do this post!

What are you reading right now?
Notes from a Small Island by Bill Bryson. Its a nice rest from uni work, and gives me a type of wanderlust which can be done on a students budget, as all the places mentioned are in the UK! 

Do you have any idea what you’ll read after you’ve finished this book?
Undecided between two Michael Palin books, either Sahara or Himalaya. This wanderlust might be a bit harder on the wallet though :(

Five books you’ve always wanted to read but have never got round to?
The Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit- I HAVE read them, but I was around 10 at the time, so its fair to say, most of it didn't sink in. I keep meaning to get round to reading them again, especially after  each bi-monthly watching of the films, but I always find myself too busy

The Shining- I never dared read it because I was the biggest scaredy cat in the world, but I quite liked the film, so I'll give the book a go!

Looking for Alaska/The Fault in Our Stars- Arguably John Greens best two books, but  I am yet to read either of them. Being a skint student without a job means I only really buy books firsthand if they are on offer, and although I've found a couple of his other books (Paper Towns and Will Grayson, Will Grayson), and really loved them.

 What magazines do you have in your bathroom/lounge right now?
National Geographic is the family favourite, with incredible photos and interesting articles every month. We also have about a million Nursing Standard mags in the living room, but thats just because my mum never seems to get round to reading them!

What’s the worst book you ever read?
Casino Royale- It seemed badly written, all about the actual poker games, and full of casual racism and sexism!

What book is really popular but you really hated?
I didn't hate it, but I found the Song of Ice and Fire books very tough to read in some places, and dragged on a lot. But people seem  to treat them as the greatest thing that has ever been written ever.  

What was your favourite book as a child?
As a small child I loved The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. It was about a barn owl called Plop, and as a lover of all things wild, I really really really enjoyed it!

What’s the one book you recommend to everybody?
Fahrenheit 451- A  book which demonstrates the importance of reading, and of books. It also gives me another 'fun fact' to bore people with (the temperature at which book paper sets alight= 451°F)

What are your three favourite poems?
Have a Nice Day- by Spike Milligan -I used to know it off by heart
If-byRudyard Kipling This poem should be known off by heart by every English male. And once they do, they will be a man, my son.
And 'Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Richard, Happy Birthday to you. Because it often coincides with presents and cake.

Where do you usually get your books?
Either Amazon, Charity Shops, or a big torrent of ebooks (yes, I know)

Where do you usually read your books?
In bed, in the bath (being terrified about dropping my Kindle, on the loo, or sat on the sofa. 

What’s the last book you stayed up half the night to read?
It was also the last book I read, but Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. The last third of the book is talking about the chaos of the 1996 Everest Disaster, and the fact that it was true and from a first hand perspective meant I just couldn't put it down.

Have you ever ‘faked’ reading a book?
The closest I've got to this is a book I referenced in an exam about mycorrhizal fungi. I never read it, but got a 'good' comment for the reference!

Have you ever bought a book just because you liked the cover?
The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse. It was a mixture of the cover and the title that made me want to read it, and I'm so glad I did. It was the first Robert Rankin book I read, and definitely not the last! 

Which book changed your life?
Guards  Guards! Its crazy that I could get this far down the list without mentioning any Terry Pratchett books, and this was my first, and is still my favourite. It started the second wind of my love of reading, as I soon read almost all Terry Pratchett books back to back.

What is your favourite passage from a book?
"It is said that your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. That is true, it's called Life."- Terry Pratchett, The Last Continent 

Its the kind of quote that sticks with me, and makes me realise that I'll only have one life (probably), so I'd better make the most of it!

Who are your top five favourite authors?
Pratchett, Robert Rankin, JK Rowling (EVERY person of my generation MUST love the Harry Potter books, no?), Terry Deary and Nick Arnold (I loved the Horrible History and Horrible Science books, and the TV show is a guilty pleasure, although I disagree with Deary's idea that libraries are rubbish! ) 

What is your favourite classic book?
Romeo and Juliet- Forced into reading it during high school, but still really like it, and so quotable!

Four notable mentions?
A Brief History of Time- A bit geeky, but it blows my frickin mind!
The Earth Moved: On the Remarkable Achievements of Earthworms by Amy Stewart- my housemates and girlfriend would vouch about my enjoyment, and frequent quoting, of this book
The Hodgeheg by Dick King Smith- It was a hard choice between this and The Owl Who Was       Afraid of the Dark for childhood book, ad it was a major factor in my love of hedgehogs!
Jingo by Terry Pratchett- A close second to Guards Guards for favourite Pratchett book

It would be great to know other peoples answers, mention below if you do one, I'd love to have a read! Also, any things you disagree with?

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