Friday 22 March 2013

Things I love about coming home #3

I really like cooking
Making dinners, 
inventing meals,
 learning what does/doesn't go together

But when at uni, its mainly same old, same old.
Frugal spending means that most meals are repeated for a few days- the onion soup mentioned in this post lasted 4 days, (much to the joy of Vic and Matt)

But now I'm home, I have full range to work with

Its like Masterchef meet Ready Steady Cook
'OK, What can I make with butternut squash, some chicken and cream'
(I ended up making a mild, yet very nice, curry!)

Next thursday my mums going for an op, and seeing as she will be under doctors orders to not strain herself, and as my sister and dad are god-awful cooks (my sister could burn cereal, and my dad somehow makes everything look and taste of vegetable stew, its like a very strange superpower)

So for the week, I will be in charge of all meals, and I plan to make them all damn good ones.
Heres hoping!

Do you have any recipe suggestions that are easy to make? Whats your go to meal?


  1. I definitely don't miss the days of pasta bake 4 days in a row. Hope your mum is ok xx

    1. Shes fine thanks :)
      And I know! On the first day I'll be all 'this stuff is amazing, I could eat this forever!' but by the third day its 'ugh, this stuff again, and I still have enough for another two meals D: '
