Thursday, 14 March 2013


I'm not really sure what to blog about
I feel I should blog though because I haven't in a while
I have absolutely no clue what to say though

Why does it always have to be me who starts the talking, you never start
So, how are you?
OK, I just realised you can't reply because this blog isn't published yet
That was quite silly of me, wasn't it?

What can I put...what can I put...
I haven't really done anything, I've had to much work to do
I went home last weekend though, but didn't get that many good photos. Got one of my dog, she's a cutie
But shes also an absolute idiot.
What else can I say

You may ask "Whats the point in writing a blog post if you don't know what to write about"
(If you did, you're probably thinking "How did he know I was thinking that". I'm psychic, thats how I know you thought that too)

Well, I want to make sure I blog whenever I feel I should blog, so I don't give up on it.
So here I am, blogging.
Yes, I realise that you may feel that you've wasted time reading this
No, I don't  care that your not too bothered
Yes I'm still going to keep writing
Well stop  reading then 
No, you can't have your time back
Well that's because its not possible to reverse time
Well I don't know why, ask Stephen Hawking, its probably something to do with Space-Time

Well now that's done with, goodbye

PS: As a reward for getting to the end, heres an interactive section of the post

1 comment:

  1. I quite enjoyed your ramblings! It's your blog, so you can blog whatever you feel like. Just keep it up.

    I loved the puppy, that may of won me over :D
